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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hemlock Springs Center Open House

Hemlock Springs Historic Crafts and Cultural Arts Center will host an Open House on May 31, 2008 from 9 am through 5 pm. Spend some time touring facilities and learn what the Center has planned for the upcoming season. Tickets will be available for the upcoming Woodland Hobbit and Fairy Festival and registrations will be offered for future classes/events for interested parties. For anyone interested in what the Center is and what it offers, now is the chance to find out! For more information visit www.hemlockscenter.org, call 814-545-1205 or email jenniferstambaugh@jstambaugh.net.

Adult Drawing Class Offered
This class is perfect for anyone who's ever wanted to learn how to draw but didn't know where to begin. This 6-week adult drawing class beginning on June 17, 2008 will focus on "Drawing Outside the Box." Participants will begin by learning some quick basics and then move on to learning how to break free of that mindset that every drawing has to be exactly as it is seen because there is more to realism than meets the eye. Some supplies will be provided. There are a limited number of places so register early. The class will be held on six consecutive Tuesdays at Hemlock Spring Historic Crafts and Cultural Arts Center in Keating Summit, Pa. from 5:30 - 7 pm. The cost is $100.00 per participant. For more info contact Jennifer at 814-545-1205 or jenniferstambaugh@jstambaugh.net.

Children's Drawing Class Begins June 19
Has your child shown an interest in art beyond the classroom? Are they yearning for more but don't know where to find it? This 6-week drawing class just for children begins June 19, 2008 at Hemlock Springs Historic Crafts and Cultural Arts Center in Keating Summit, Pa. and runs from 5:30 - 7 pm for six consecutive Thursdays. It will cover some basics and move into some more advanced practices such as perspective, learning how to keep a drawing sketchbook, and basic art history and theory. Some supplies will be provided and the cost is $60.00 per participant. There are a limited number of spaces available so register early. For more information contact Jennifer at 814-545-1205 or jenniferstambaugh@jstambaugh.net.

Environmental Camps Offered
Do your children need something to keep them entertained during the summer? Are they complaining they are bored right after school is out? There will be two environmental camps this summer: one session for children in grades 5 -8 and another for those in grades 9 - 12. A sample of a few of the topics to be covered include: wetlands, habitats, and water ecology. One day will be spent at creekside taking samples and doing analysis. The camps will be a fun, entertaining and educational week for all. The dates are July 7 - 11 for 5th - 8th graders and July 14 - 18 for 9th - 12th graders. The camps will run from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm every day and will be held at Hemlock Springs Historic Crafts and Cultural Arts Center in Keating Summit, Pa. The cost is $125.00 per child to cover the cost of supplies. Please contact Jennifer at 814-545-1205 or jenniferstambaugh@jstmabugh.net for more information. Class size is limited so register early to guarantee a seat!

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